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Upcoming Public Event: Panel Discussion on “International Law Beyond the Current Crises”

On 26 September 2024, the Berlin Potsdam Research Group “The International Rule of Law – Rise or Decline?” takes great pleasure in inviting you to the Panel Discussion on "International Law beyond the Current Crises".

read the whole text here

KFG welcomes new fellow: Prof. Dr. Janina Dill

The Research Group welcomes Prof. Dr. Janina Dill as new fellow.

read the whole text here

Upcoming Public Event: Book Discussion “The Refugee Convention and its Protocol – What Future Role for International Refugee Law?”

On 16 May 2024, the Berlin Potsdam Research Group “The International Rule of Law – Rise or Decline?” takes great pleasure in inviting you to the book discussion “The Refugee Convention and its Protocol – What Future Role for International Refugee Law?”.

read the whole text here
Contact us:
Berlin Potsdam Research Group
International Rule of Law - Rise or Decline?
Thielallee 69
14195 Berlin
e-Mail: info(at)kfg-intlaw.de
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funding by
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


Public Event: Thomas Franck Lecture by Professor Cathryn Costello

The Berlin Potsdam Research Group “The International Rule of Law – Rise or Decline?” takes great pleasure in inviting you to a public lecture by Professor Cathryn Costello, Hertie School, on
“The 1951 Refugee Convention at 70: Whither the Convention in the Global Refugee Regime?”.

Cathryn Costello is a Professor of Fundamental Rights at the Hertie School and Co-Director of the Centre for Fundamental Rights. She is an expert in European and international refugee and migration law, and has written about EU asylum and migration law, international refugee law, and the relationship between migration and labour law.
Costello is also Professor II at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights at the University of Oslo, and is on special leave from her previous post as Professor of Refugee and Migration Law at the Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford. She is currently the Principal Investigator of RefMig, a five-year ERC- funded research project exploring refugee mobility, recognition and rights. She has also done studies for UNHCR, the Council of Europe and the European Parliament. She holds a DPhil in Law from the University of Oxford.

The lecture will take place on Thursday, 28 October 2021, at 6.15 pm at Senatssaal, Henry Ford Building, Freie Universität Berlin (Garystraße 35, 14195 Berlin).
Please note that under applicable university Covid 19 rules attendance to the lecture is subject to the '3G' rule, i.e. attendance is limited to persons who have been fully vaccinated ('geimpft'), have recovered from Covid ('genesen') or have been tested not more than 24 hours prior to the event ('getested‘). Please provide the relevant certificate on the day. It is mandatory to wear a FFP2 mask.

We look forward to welcoming you.

Freie Universität Berlin      Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin      Universität Potsdam      Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
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