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Information on the funding programme
Meetings of the Research Group - Archive 2021
6th December 2021
Dr. Andreas Buser
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“Towards a Climate Resilient European Society: Objectives and Principles of EU Climate Adaptation Law”
22nd November 2021
Praggya Surana
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“Demands of the International for the Domestic”
1st November 2021
Dr. Rishi Gulati
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"Transnational Hybrid Adjudication: A Case Study on the Facebook Oversight Board"
4th October 2021
Dr. Apollin Koagne Zouapet
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“Neither Dr Jekyll, Nor Mr Hyde, Just A National Judge…National Courts’ Strategies of Resistance to International Law”
20th September 2021
Prof. Dr. Lisbeth Zimmermann
Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen
“Contestation of a new kind? Depth and intensity of the contestation of the liberal international order”
6th September 2021
Prof. Dr. Heike Krieger
Freie Universität Berlin
"Of Zombies, Witches and Wizards - Tales of Sovereignty"
21st June 2021
Prof. Dr. Alejandro Rodiles
ITAM School of Law / KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"Infrastructural Developmentalism and its Many Types of Global Law"
17th June 2021
Prof. Dr. Benedict Kingsbury
New York University
"Attributive Justice in Global Power-Knowledge Infrastructures: Epidemics and the Sharing of Virus Genomic Sequence Data"
10th June 2021
Prof. Dr. Jennifer Welsh
McGill University
"Sovereignty as Responsibility"
7th June 2021
Dr. Alvaro Morcillo Laiz (FU Berlin, SCRIPTS)/
Prof. Dr. Ezequiel Gonzales Ocantos (University of Oxford)
"Why Some Beggars can be Choosers: The Ford Foundation and Human Rights Activism"
3rd June 2021
Prof. Dr. Lora Anne Viola
Freie Universität Berlin
"The Closure of the International System: How International Institutions Create Political Equalities and Hierarchies"
27th May 2021
Open debate (Chair: Prof. Dr. Heike Krieger) on
"Discourses about the Crisis of International Law: A Stock-taking Exercise"
20th May 2021
Pedro José Martínez Esponda
Graduate Institute Geneva (IHEID) / KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"The Plasticity of International Human Rights: a Comparative Analysis of the Processes of Discourse Formation in IHRL"
6th May 2021
Prof. Dr. Kirsten Schmalenbach
University of Salzburg / KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"Corpus Iuris Communis of International Organisations"
3rd May 2021
Prof. Dr. Theresa Squatrito
London School of Economics and Political Science
"The Decision-Making of International Courts: Understanding their Strategic Space and Deference"
22nd April 2021
Dr. Henning Lahmann
ESMT Berlin
"The Function of Civil Society Truth Production for the Stability of International Law"
15th April 2021
Prof. Dr. Andrew Hurrell
University of Oxford / KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"Order Beyond Liberalism? Global International Society and the Liberal Script"
25th March 2021
Dr. Malcolm Jorgensen
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"The Jurisprudence of the Rules-Based Order: Germany's Indo-Pacific Guidelines and the South China Sea Code of Conduct"
18th March 2021
Konrad Neugebauer
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"The ICC's Decision on Territorial Jurisdiction over Palestine and its Implications on the International Rule of Law"
11th March 2021
Praggya Surana
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"Soft Law and Soft Power: China in the Polar Regions"
4th March 2021
Prof. Dr. Helmut Aust (Freie Universität Berlin)/
Prof. Dr. Alejandro Rodiles (ITAM School of Law/ KFG "The International Rule of Law")
"International Development from Below? The Role of Cities and Local Governments"
25th February 2021
Dr. Johanna Aleria Lorenzo
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"Sustainable Development Along the Belt and Road: What's International Law Got To Do With It?"
18th February 2021
Dr. Dilek Kurban
Hertie School of Governance
"Limits of Supranational Justice - The European Court of Human Rights and Turkey's Kurdish Conflict"
11th February 2021
Dr. Apollin Koagne Zouapet
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"Regional Approaches to International Law - Rise or Decline of International Law?"
28th January 2021
Dr. Ximena Soley
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"Is the Inter-American System Rising, Stable or in Decline? Framing and Prescriptions from Academia"
21th January 2021
Pedro José Martinez Esponda
Graduate Institute Geneva (IHEID)
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"Norm-Destabilization as a Strategy in International Law-Making: The Case of Self-Defence against Non-State Actors"
15th January 2021
Dr. Moritz Rudolf
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik
"The Socialist Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics"