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Meetings of the Research Group - Archive 2020
17th December 2020
Prof. Dr. Alejandro Rodiles
ITAM School of Law
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"Transnational Infrastructure Initiatives and their many Types of International Law"
10th December 2020
Open discussion on the draft introduction of Helmut Aust/Heike Krieger/Felix Lange (eds), "Research Handbook on International Law and Domestic Legal Systems"
3th December 2020
Prof. Dr. Christian Kreuder-Sonnen
University of Jena
“Emergency Powers of International Organizations”
26th November 2020
Prof. Dr. Hélène Tigroudja
Aix-Marseille University
“Backlash on Human Rights Adjudication Bodies. A comparison of the resistance and resilience of the European and Inter-American Courts of Human Rights”
19th November 2020
Prof. Dr. Stéphanie Dagron
University of Geneva
“WHO and the Coronavirus pandemic: What role for the special UN-Agency in charge of public health?”
9th November 2020
Prof. Dr. Stephan Hobe
University of Cologne
"The Development of Space Law"
5th November 2020
Prof. Dr. Campbell McLachlan, QC
Victoria University of Wellington
"Populism, the Pandemic & Prospects for International Law"
29th October 2020
Prof. Dr. Hanns Maull
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik/Johns Hopkins University Bologna Center
"The Rise and Demise of the Liberal International Order"
8th October 2020
Dr. Ned Richardson-Little
University of Erfurt
"Human Rights beyond Liberalism: Dictatorship, Self-Determination and Socialist Rights in East Germany"
5th October 2020
Dr. Andrea Schapper
University of Stirling
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"The 'Super-Network': Fostering Interaction Between Human Rights and Climate Change Institutions"
24th September 2020
Sophie Schuberth
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“The Rights and Obligations of Third States in Situations of Occupation”
17th September 2020
Zaid Al-Ali
International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA)
“International peacemaking in Arab countries: Post-mortem”
10th September 2020
Prof. Dr. Andreas Zimmermann
University of Potsdam
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"Security Council Resolution 2231, the Attempted Snapback and the Future of Security Council Sanctions"
26th June 2020
Dr. Andrea Leiter
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“‘General Principles of Law Recognized by Civilized Nations’ as a ‘Modern Law of Nature’:
Tracing the Paradox that Underpins Contemporary International Investment Law”
18th June 2020
Prof. Dr. Sibel Safi
Dokuz Eylul University
“Legality and Implications of the EU-Turkey Refugee Deal”
4th June 2020
Prof. Dr. Florian Jeßberger
Humboldt University Berlin
“Much Ado About Nothing? Recent Trends in International Criminal Law”
28th May 2020
Dr. Ximena Soley
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“The Transformation of the Americas - The Rise of Human Rights and the Inter-American System”
14th May 2020
Dr. Dana Burchardt (Chair)
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
Open discussion on the question: "What type of international law?"
7th May 2020
Dr. Felix Lange
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“Parliaments and Treaties”
23rd April 2020
Prof. Dr. Andrew Hurrell
University of Oxford
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“What should global governance look like?”
30th March 2020
Lukas Willmer
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"Formation of Governments and the Principle of Non-Intervention"
2nd March 2020
Prof. Jan Eckel
Universität Tübingen
"Disconnected. Paths into a New World Order, 1990-2020"
17th February 2020
Dr. Dana Burchardt
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“When are International Courts “strong”? An Integrated Concept of Authority and Robustness
of International Courts”
3rd February 2020
Prof. Shirley Scott University of New South Wales, Canberra KFG "The International Rule of Law" "China’s Favourable Positioning in the Post World War Two International Legal Order”
20th January 2020
Isabel Walther
Humboldt University Berlin
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"Procedural Safeguards"
6th January 2020
Prof. Dr. Jelena Bäumler Leuphana Universität Lüneburg "The WTO: Between a Rock and a Hard Place"