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Upcoming Public Event: Panel Discussion on “International Law Beyond the Current Crises”

On 26 September 2024, the Berlin Potsdam Research Group “The International Rule of Law – Rise or Decline?” takes great pleasure in inviting you to the Panel Discussion on "International Law beyond the Current Crises".

read the whole text here

KFG welcomes new fellow: Prof. Dr. Janina Dill

The Research Group welcomes Prof. Dr. Janina Dill as new fellow.

read the whole text here

Upcoming Public Event: Book Discussion “The Refugee Convention and its Protocol – What Future Role for International Refugee Law?”

On 16 May 2024, the Berlin Potsdam Research Group “The International Rule of Law – Rise or Decline?” takes great pleasure in inviting you to the book discussion “The Refugee Convention and its Protocol – What Future Role for International Refugee Law?”.

read the whole text here
Contact us:
Berlin Potsdam Research Group
International Rule of Law - Rise or Decline?
Thielallee 69
14195 Berlin
e-Mail: info(at)kfg-intlaw.de
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funding by
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Meetings of the Research Group - Archive 2018

17th December 2018

Dr. Malcolm Jorgensen
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"American Foreign Policy Ideology & The International Rule Of Law: Contesting Power Through The International Criminal Court"

26th November 2018

Simon Blätgen
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“Community Values and Legality Under Challenge - The Example of International Climate Change Law”

5th November 2018

Prof. Dr. Andrea Liese
University of Potsdam
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“Analysing Norm Collisions: An internalist and agency-oriented perspective”

15th October 2018

Alicia Köppen
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“The Return of the State in International Investment Law”

1st October 2018

Andreas Buser
Freie Universität Berlin
“Rising Powers, Global Justice and International Economic Law”

17th September 2018

Prof. Dr. Anthea Roberts
Australian National University
“Is International Law International?”

10th September 2018

Dr. Felix Lange
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“Treaties in Trying Times - Comparing Approaches from Germany, India, South Africa and the United States”

25th June 2018

Prof. Dr. Andrew Hurrell
University of Oxford
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“Cultural Diversity within Global International Society”

18th June 2018

Prof. Dr. Pierre d'Argent
University of Louvain
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“Putting the pieces together: is a general theory of international obligations possible?”

11th June 2018

Prof. Dr. Paolo Palchetti
University of Macerata
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"Unique, Special, or Simply a Primus Inter Pares? The European Union in International Law"

14th May 2018

Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Dunoff
Temple University
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"The Shape of Judgment"

7th May 2018

Dr. Nina Reiners
University of Potsdam
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"The Evolution and Authority of Expert Committees as Lawmakers"

16th April 2018

Prof. Dr. Oliver Diggelmann
University of Zurich
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"The Internationalists - American History of International Law?"

9th April 2018

Prof. Dr. Antje Wiener
University of Hamburg
University of Cambridge
"International Law and International Relations Theory: Divided by a Common Language"

19th March 2018

Prof. Dr. Christian Tams
University of Glasgow
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"World Courts as Guardians of Peace?"

5th March 2018

Prof. Dr. Georg Nolte
Humboldt University Berlin
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"Treaties on Collective Security and Human Rights"

Prof. Dr. Harald Braun
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"The Munich Security Conference"

19th February 2018

Felix Boos
University of Potsdam
"Legal Advisers of International Organzations and the International Rule of Law"

5th February 2018

Balingene Kahombo,
Dr. Malcolm Jorgensen and
Dr. Velimir Zivkovic
all KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“The role of international lawyers today"

22nd January 2018

Dr. Alexandros Tokhi
WZB Berlin Social Science Center
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“The Effect of Verification on Compliance: The Chemical and Biological Weapons Conventions in the Middle East”

8th January 2018

Prof. Dr. Andreas Zimmermann
University of Potsdam
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“A victory for the international rule of law!? The recent decision to activate the ICC's jurisdiction over the crime of aggression”

Prof. Dr. Georg Nolte
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“The role of international lawyers in the face of recent challenges to the international rule of law”

Freie Universität Berlin      Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin      Universität Potsdam      Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
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