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Upcoming Public Event: Panel Discussion on “International Law Beyond the Current Crises”

On 26 September 2024, the Berlin Potsdam Research Group “The International Rule of Law – Rise or Decline?” takes great pleasure in inviting you to the Panel Discussion on "International Law beyond the Current Crises".

read the whole text here

KFG welcomes new fellow: Prof. Dr. Janina Dill

The Research Group welcomes Prof. Dr. Janina Dill as new fellow.

read the whole text here

Upcoming Public Event: Book Discussion “The Refugee Convention and its Protocol – What Future Role for International Refugee Law?”

On 16 May 2024, the Berlin Potsdam Research Group “The International Rule of Law – Rise or Decline?” takes great pleasure in inviting you to the book discussion “The Refugee Convention and its Protocol – What Future Role for International Refugee Law?”.

read the whole text here
Contact us:
Berlin Potsdam Research Group
International Rule of Law - Rise or Decline?
Thielallee 69
14195 Berlin
e-Mail: info(at)kfg-intlaw.de
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Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Lunch Talks - Archive 2018

20th December 2018

Prof. Dr. Heike Krieger
Freie Universität Berlin
KFG “International Rule of Law”
“The International Rule of Law under Pressure – Eroding an Atmosphere of Legality?”

13th December 2018

Prof. Dr. Keun-Gwan Lee
Seoul National University
KFG “International Rule of Law”
“Conflicted Meaning of the International Rule of Law in the Context of Vergangenheitsbewältigung in East Asia - With Particular Reference to a Recent Judgment by the Korean Supreme Court (October 30, 2018)”

6th December 2018

Dr. Benjamin Faude
WZB Berlin Social Science Center
“Let’s Justify! How Regime Complexes Enhance the Normative Legitimacy of Global Governance”

29th November 2018

Julian Kulaga
Humboldt University
“A Renaissance of the Rebus Sic Stantibus Doctrine?”

22nd November 2018

Henrique Choer Moraes
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Brazil; Mission of Brazil to the European Union
“Geoeconomics and the Future of International Economic Law: Lessons from Data Localization in China”

15th November 2018

Prof. Dr. Jessica Gienow-Hecht
Freie Universität Berlin
“A Feeling I Cannot Put Into Words: Gender, Humanity and the War of 1898 in Cuba”

8th November 2018

Dr. Martins Paparinskis
University College London
“Withdrawal from Treaties: Effects on International Courts and Tribunals”

18th October 2018

Prof. Dr. Campbell McLachlan
Victoria University of Wellington
KFG “International Rule of Law”
“Hersch Lauterpacht and the systemic vision of international law”

11th October 2018

Prof. Dr. Paul Schiff Berman
George Washington University
“Cosmopolitan Pluralism, Authoritarian Nationalism, and the Future of Transnational Liberal Governance”

4th October 2018

Dr. Johann Justus Vasel
University of Hamburg
“Illegal, Irrational, and Eroding the International Rule of Law? – Reflections on the US Withdrawal from the ‘Iran-Nuclear Deal’”

27th September 2018

Maria Chochorelou
International University of Catalonia
“The EU's Multilateral Investment Court and the International Rule of Law”

20th September 2018

Dr. Dana Burchardt
KFG “International Rule of Law”
“The Twilight of Legal Order? On the Current Challenges Faced by the Concept of a Legal System”

13th September 2018

Balingene Kahombo
KFG “International Rule of Law”
“The Peace and Security Council of the African Union: Rise or Decline of Collective Security in Africa?”

28th June 2018

Dr. Malcolm Jorgensen
KFG “International Rule of Law”
“Contested Conventions of the International Rule of Law: From Liberal International Order to Geolegal Spheres"

21st June 2018

Prof. Dr. Silvia von Steinsdorff
Humboldt University
“Judicial Independence in Limbo: The Precarious Role of Constitutional Courts in Turkey and Russia”

14th June 2018

Dr. Björnstjern Baade
Freie Universität Berlin
"Fake News and the International Rule of Law - Regulatory Efforts of the League of Nations and the United Nations"

7th June 2018

Milan Tahraoui and Kanad Bagchi
Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law
"The Chinese Belt and Road Initiative: Strengthening or Challenging the Universality of International law?"

31st May 2018

Dr. Yuwen Fan
KFG “International Rule of Law”
“Discourse and Identity Construction in the Pursuit of International Rule of Law: The Struggle and Strength of Chinese Judges on the International Bench”

24th May 2018

Hannah Birkenkötter
Humboldt University
"Conceptual Approaches to the Rule of Law Beyond the State"

17th May 2018

Prof. Dr Pierre d'Argent
University of Louvain
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"Extraordinary rendition before the African Commission of Human and Peoples' Rights: reaching the limits of litigation?"

3rd May 2018

Prof. Dr. Andreas Zimmermann
University of Potsdam
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“Palestine’s Recent Interstate Complaint against Israel under the Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and the International Rule of Law”

26th April 2018

Julien Berger
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“What Future for Intra-EU Investment Arbitrations after the Achmea Judgment (C-284/16)?”

19th April 2018

Konrad Neugebauer
University of Potsdam
“Holding Domestic Judges Accountable under International Criminal Law – A Useful Step to Foster the International Rule of Law?”

12th April 2018

Balingene Kahombo
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"Towards Coordination of the Global System of International Criminal Justice with the Criminal Court of the African Union"

22nd March 2018

Dr. Julie-Enni Zastrow
Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft Berlin (formerly University of Potsdam)
"Enforcing Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights - the Role of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in Upholding the Rule of Law within the Council of Europe"

15th March 2018

Prof. Dr. Georg Nolte
Humboldt University
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"Treaties on Collective Security and Human Rights"

8th March 2018

Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Tomuschat
Humboldt University
"The system of State responsibility in light of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change"

1st March 2018

Dr. Henning Lahmann
"Acts without Actors - State Responsibility in Cyberspace"

22nd February 2018

Prof. Dr. Christian Tams
University of Glasgow
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“What rule, which law? Current controversies about immunities under international law”

15th February 2018

Prof. Dr. Basak Cali
Hertie School of Governance
"Revisiting the place of international human rights law (IHRL) in other sub branches of international law: IHRL as a ‘legal resource'"

25th January 2018

Dr. Georg Schulze-Zumkley and Thomas Wimmer
German Federal Foreign Office
“China and the International Legal Order”

18th January 2018

Dr. Velimir Zivkovic
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"‘Internationalised’ Rule of Law through Investor-State Arbitration - Challenges and Opportunities"

11th January 2018

Dr. Thomas Fitschen
German Federal Foreign Office
“Cybersecurity and International Law - The State of Play after Tallinn and in the Group of Governmental Experts on Information Security”

Freie Universität Berlin      Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin      Universität Potsdam      Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
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