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Lunch Talks - Archive 2017
14th December 2017
Prof. Dr. Eckart Klein
Universität Potsdam
“Impact of Ideologies on the Effectiveness of Human Rights”
7th December 2017
Prof. Dr. Sönke Neitzel
Universität Potsdam
“The relevance of international humanitarian law in armed conflict: the case of German armed forces”
30th November 2017
Dr. Danae Azaria
University College London
“The International Law Commission as an Interpreter and the Rule of Law”
16th November 2017
Prof. Dr. Heike Krieger
Freie Universität Berlin
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“‘The eggheads who came up with this international law should turn on their TV’ - Populist governments and international law”
19th October 2017
Prof. Dr. Vera Rusinova
National Research University ‘The Higher School of Economics’ (HSE) in Moscow
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“Human Rights Obligations of International Organizations and the 'Responsibility to Protect' Discourse”
12th October 2017
Anna Hankings-Evans
Visiting researcher Centre for Chinese Studies, Stellenbosch University
Freie Universität
"The People's Republic of China and Africa: Sino-African investment agreements in times of global powershifts"
5th October 2017
Dr. Malcolm Jorgensen
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"The Rise of Geo-Legal Spheres in the Asia-Pacific"
28th September 2017
Dr. Aniruddha Rajput
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"Can the Concept of 'Rising Powers' Contribute to Evaluating the Current State and Future Development of International Law?"
21st September 2017
Prof. Dr. Andrew Hurrell
University of Oxford
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“On the Nature of the Global in Global Governance”
14th September 2017
Prof. Dr. Georg Nolte
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“Immunity of State Officials from Foreign Criminal Jurisdiction - Recent Developments in the International Law Commission”
7th September 2017
Dr. Michal Kowalski
Jagiellonian University, Krakow
"The Recent Political Developments in Poland - Any Implications for the International Rule of Law?"
29th June 2017
Prof. Dr. Lavanja Rajamani
Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“Reflections on the US decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement: Better out than Trump?”
15th June 2017
Prof. Dr. Urs Matthias Zachmann
Freie Universität Berlin
“The Fall and Rise of International Law in Japan: Perspectives on Western Normativity in Wartime and Cold War Japan, 1931-1960”
8th June 2017
Prof. Dr. Matthias Oesch
Universität Zürich
"EU Fundamental Rights, the ECJ and Third States: The Experience of Switzerland"
1st June 2017
Rishi Gulati
King’s College London
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“The Immunities of International Organizations – Rise or Decline?”
18th May 2017
Prof. Dr. Dominik Steiger
KU Leuven
„Do the Rules on Withdrawal from International Organisations Undermine the International Legal Order?"
4th May 2017
Prof. Dr. Christian Volk
Freie Universität Berlin
“The Problem of Sovereignty in the Transnational Constellation”
27th April 2017
Prof. Dr. Rainer Hofmann
Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universität Frankfurt
“Rise and Decline of the International Protection of Minorities (?)”
20th April 2017
Prof. Dr. Andreas Zimmermann
University of Potsdam
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“ICJ Case concerning Application of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Ukraine v. Russian Federation) - Request for Provisional measures”
6th April 2017
Prof. Dr. Christian Waldhoff
Humboldt University Berlin
Matthias Rossbach, LL.M. (Yale)
Humboldt University Berlin
“A New Chapter for Militant Democracy in Germany - The NPD Case of the Federal Constitutional Court”
28th March 2017
Dr. Christoph Heusgen
Foreign Policy and Security Advisor Office of the German Chancellor
"Current Challenges for German Foreign and Security Policy"
23rd March 2017
Dr. Maria Varaki
University of Helsinki
”The recent political developments in Turkey and their implications for the International Rule of Law”
9th March 2017
Dr. Aniruddha Rajput
Advocate Supreme Court of India
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"The Myth of a Multilateral Framework in International Investment Law"
2nd March 2017
Prof. André Nollkaemper
University of Amsterdam
Prof. Jean d'Aspremont
University of Manchester
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"Draft Principles on Shared Responsibility"
23rd February 2017
Prof. Dr. Philipp Dann
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
“Many faces of the World Bank as a legal actor”
16th February 2017
Prof. Dr. Matthias Ruffert
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
“Personality and Lawmaking – The Institutional Design of the EU in the Larger Framework of International Law”
9th February 2017
Prof. Jean d'Aspremont
University of Manchester
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
"The two cultures of International Criminal Law"
26th January 2017
Thomas Matussek
Former German Ambassador to the UK, India and the United Nations
“The world out of joint - international risks and opportunities”
19th January 2017
Prof. Dr. Jörg Baberowski
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
"He gave us our laughter back - Nikita Chrustchev and Destalinisation"
12th January 2017
Dr. Aniruddha Rajput
Advocate Supreme Court of India
KFG "The International Rule of Law"
“Law of the Sea and threat of a terrorist attack from the sea”